Fingers Bomb ® is a registered trademark M2977064 M 28.
The toy consists of a flexible sheet is punched a utility model patent No.: U201130330.
Patents and trademarks are the property of Juanma García Escobar de Barcelona (Spain)

Fingers Bomb ® / / Bolly jump // Item for promotions in pack / / Toy for children / /  Flying Toy / / Item for ice cream / / Item for infant food / / Funny Gatget / / Animation Children / / Flying Characters / Entertainment / child / / Promotional Items / / Promotional Gatgets / / Toy in pack / / Cheap Toys / / Gatget in pack / / In-Pack Promotions / / Promotional Marketing for Children / / Item in plastic / / Finger Bomb / / Fingerbomb / / Bollyjump / / Bollyjumps of Bollycao / / Bollyjump Panrico / / Item of The Simpsons Dokyo / / Item of The Simpsons in Mañanitas / / Item of the Simpsons in Panrico / Bolly jumps